Weight Safe WS03 - Dual Pin Key Lock Assembly
Brand:  Weigh Safe


The dual pin lock plate that secures the slider/sliding ball mount in place on the L-shaped draw bar. It is constructed from aircraft grade aluminum with a barrel lock to prevent someone from walking off with your ball mount. We have many different key codes, all of which start with an “H3” and are 5 digits long.

These Key Lock Assemblies come with both our Weigh Safe Adjustable Ball Mount and our Weigh Safe 180 Drop Hitch but are also available for purchase separately. Whether you’re buying a whole hitch or the key lock assembly on it’s own, it will come with both a dust lock cover and a set of 2 keys. This dust lock cover is a rubber cover that protects the lock from getting grime and debris inside. Keeping this dust lock cover on at all times will help keep the lock functioning properly and ensure that you will be able to unlock your key lock assembly the next time you need to adjust your hitch.

When ordering the key lock assembly separately, there is an option to input a key code just in case you are wanting it to match a specific code!
Price: $ 39
Shakle Diameter:
Width body:
Width hasp:
Available Quantity : Out of stock